ABC Radio Interview on Abandoned Buildings and Heritage Places

Have a listen back to our ABC Radio conversation on Abandoned Buildings and Heritage Places in Melbourne and across Victoria. You’ll find an interview with me among the many speakers! Restore, rebuild or raze? Debate rages over the fate of our grand old buildings  From the Murtoa Stick Shed in the Wimmera, to the historic Curtin Hotel in Carlton, Victoria’s architectural landscape is awash with heritage-listed buildings saved from demolition. But for every success there are stories of demise – as observed by comedian Barry Humphries in 1978 who asked, “why not call ourselves Mutilated Melbourne?”  The question of whether Victoria’s

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Seminar: Heritage preservation, urban transformation and everyday life in the twentieth-century Australian city.

My thesis offers a fresh global urban history of the Australian city, its heritage places, and the preservationists who shaped those places. Twentieth-century Australian urban preservationists – such as architects and planners, heritage consultants and regulators, boosters and policymakers, and activists and everyday people – valued and sought to safeguard many kinds of urban landscapes, comprising buildings, streets, precincts and suburbs and invoking communities, histories, memories and stories.

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